To ensure that you, your child, our staff and all that enter The Meadows Early Learning Center enjoy a safe, welcoming and respectful environment anyone entering The Meadows Early Learning Center must only engage in actions that
demonstrate respect for others. Behavior that is inappropriate, illegal, threatening or
disrespectful in nature or language that is abusive or investigative is not acceptable. We are a
drama free center, if you or anyone associated with you brings drama into the center, you will be
We recommend that you do not engage in social networking with your child’s teacher to avoid
any issues now or in the future. Babysitting is allowed after hours, unless it affects the
relationships within the school or classroom, and the teacher should not feel pressured.
If you or any other person appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of
pick-up, you will be asked to have someone come and get you and your child. If you refuse a ride
and leave with your child, we will notify the police department and child protection services with
all information required. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, without warning, that
is in violation of this policy.
Car Seat Safety
That State of Colorado requires that all children up to the age of 8 be in a car seat or booster
seat. If The Meadows Early Learning Center is made aware that your child is not in a car seat/booster seat, we will first
speak with you. If the situation continues, we will notify the authorities. If you need help getting
a car seat, please let us know so that we can help you.
Custody/Legal Issues
At The Meadows Early Learning Center our first responsibility is to the children. When any custody issues arise, we are
here for your child and family but we will stay out of all custody issues. If there are any custody
issues or restraining orders that involve your child, please let us know so we can be prepared.